

Story Notes: Drama-Gen. Complete, one-shot. Written after OOtP, before HBP.
Rating: Author rates it Adult, I'd say PG-13
Other Fairly Important Pairings: None
Author's Summary: Ginny dies. Harry delivers her mail.

A Lot To Be Upset About
Story Notes: Humor-Romance. Complete, long one-shot. Written after OOtP, before HBP.
Rating: PG
Other Fairly Important Pairings: None
Author's Summary: Draco loves Ginny. Ginny loves everyone else but him. Snape suggests spanking, the butterbeer is tainted, and Harry tries to blow up the school. Not your typical D/G fic.

The More is My Unrest
Story Notes: Angst. Complete, one-shot. Written after OOtP, before HBP.
Rating: none given (PG/PG-13 range)
Other Fairly Important Pairings: None
Author's Summary: Draco observes Ginny.

Story Notes: Humor-Romance. Complete, one-shot. Written after OOtP, before HBP.
Rating: PG-13
Other Fairly Important Pairings: None
Author's Summary: Ginny dates Draco. Ron wonders why. Harry and Hermione try to recruit Draco. Ron wonders why. Charlie admires Draco's gingerbread men. Ron wonders why. Ron sure wonders about Draco a lot. Draco wonders why. Features striking blonds, tortured souls, and evil biccies.

Draco/Ginny also plays a part in the following stories:
Susan and Harry - Friendship and Secrets (see Misc Het Pairings)
Trouble in Paradise and the sequel Paradise Lost (see Harry/Hermione. Rated R.)